The whole point of all the training is the racing. We love to compete and show off our stuff!
Fair Hill Challenge 2007
This photo was taken in Maryland at the Fair Hill Challenge dry land event. It was a particularly muddy day. We are passing through a tunnel here, and the echo within startled the dogs as I yelled "going home"; we neared the last half mile of the race.
Mannsville Quest 2008
This is our yearly adventure where we pretend that we are really a distance team trapped in a sprint team body. The Mannsville Quest is a mini-middistance race for nordic breeds only. The 4-dog class is 10.5 miles, a far cry from our usual 4 miles. But the dogs and I have a great time and even manage a respectible finish in the middle of the pack among some "real" mid-distance teams.This photo was taken near the finish; note the dogs look good, I on the other hand appear in need of a good rest.
Nemacolin 2008
This is a fun event at a really upscale resort outside of Pittsburg, PA. We like to pretend that we are guests while here instead of the weekend entertainment. Either way we get to race and stay in a cool hotel.
Tug Hill Challenge 2008
This is a great photo, it appears on the top of the HOME page. I believe that it really shows just how happy these guys are to run.
Tug Hill Challenge 2008
The previous photo shows the beginning of therace, and this photo depicts a dead sprint to the finish, down hill. Actually there was a third team to my right as well. Indy spooked when that team passed and jumped into the middle of my friend Chris Bannister's team. Thank heavens we train together at times and the dogs are good with eachother. There was not even one grumble from any of the eight involved dogs. Noone was tangled either...just intertwined. So, I suggested instead of stopping and atempting to untwine the two teams (where everyone at the finish line could see us, and we could also pose a road hazard to other incoming teams) that we just cross the line as one large intertwined 8-dog mass. Unfortunately, Chris had started in the position behind me so that meant that he had cought up to me in time. Regardless, it was a unique experience for both drivers and the dogs all did great with it.
I'm actually not sure of the exact year, or on what course this is...but Gretta and Zero are hard at work in lead followed by 2 of my father's Samoyeds. Boy, do I look young... and I actually have a different color jacket on!