Our 4-Dog Purebred Team
Currently Team SubZero consists of Blue, Tasha, Indy and Jada. I cannot say that they run in any certain order, or pairing. I like to train and run all of my dogs in all positions on a team. Every dog will run lead in any combination. Some combinations are simply more responsive and reliable than others. In the 2007-2008 season I mostly raced with Indy and Tasha in lead, but would swap dogs around regularly in training. With Miss Luna up and coming I am unsure what the 2008-2009 season will bring. Currently I am thinking that Blue and I will do more one dog events together (cani-cross, bike-jor, ski-jor) or that I may lend her to a friend with a slightly slower team to use and run Luna in her place. Blue will be 10 years old and I do not want to ask her to do more than she is capable of. I will most likely train, at least at the beginning of the season with all 5 dogs, while the distances are short and the speeds slower. This should result in the best training for Luna as well as allow Blue to run without injury. You can meet the current team dogs below and Miss Luna on the Up and Coming Team Dogs page.
"Blue" (SubZero's Reba Mac)
Blue is a 9 year old spayed female, she weighs about 60 lbs. Blue is one of our rescues. By age 6 we were Blue's 6th home. She tended, as many Siberians left unattended and unchallenged do, to get into a lot of mischief before she was given a job. Blue runs great anywhere on a team. She is a real bulldozer. But, watch out for small game. If she sees a a wild animal she does have trouble keeping her mind on her work, therefore can only run lead next to a dog that will listen well to commands. At age 8 Blue was diagnosed with mouth cancer. After 3 surgeries and many thousands of dollars, she has 1/4 less jaw but is cancer free. You cannot tell the difference from the outside as the photo here shows. She can eat the same as before her surgeries and even chews on Nylabones still. The surgeon did an excellent job. We expect that Blue will live her life to the fullest extent. She is truyly a tough yet gentle girl.
"Indiana Jones" aka "Indy" (Kindred Moon's America the Beautiful)
Indy is a 4 year old male. He was purchased as a yearling from Kindred Moon Kennel. He is a wonderful little man. As my only male in the kennel he is truly a "Don Juan" for all of his lady friends. He is a bit shy in the yard at times with strangers but is as hard and honest a worker as I have ever seen in harness. Although far from the tallest dog I have he wieghs a whopping 56 lbs. Indy is a little muscle man, strong as can be and really starting to come into his own. This past season he spent a great deal of time in lead. Over the summer he has shown me (while running cani-cross style) that he truly did learn and retain his lead training. He is on the ball with commands and will even correct another dog next to him if necessary. Indy is my little "cuddle bug", while my independent girls lay on the floor he loves to lay in my lap as we watch movies in the "dog room".
"Jada" (Jada Indominable of Nordic Paws)
Jada is a 5 year old spayed female. I originally borrowed her from Nordic Paws Kennel for the 2007-2008 racing season when Blue underwent her third and most rigorous mouth surgery. Knowing that Blue needed at least 8-10 weeks for recovery before any work, I worried that she would not be capable of catching up to the others in conditioning level in time for the race season. So, Jada came to stay for the season. Well, Miss Blue recovered like a trooper and still made the team only to join Jada in wheel for most of the season. Jada is quite a "Sassy Lady" to quote her original Mom, and she blended in with team SubZero instantly. She's a real sweetie and what a great worker. Jada will hapily run lead with any dog or alone. As it turned out Jada stayed more than just the 2007-2008 racing season, she is now a permanent resident and has taken her official position as such on the bed next to John every night.
"Tasha" (SubZero's Natasha)
Tasha is a 4 year old spayed female. Hers is truly quite a story. I rescued Tasha as a yearling from a neglectful home. When she joined us she barely weighed 40 lbs, had little hair and was afraid of her own shadow...and she had never seen a harness much less worn one. In a few months, with good quality food and a lot of attention Tasha started to come around. She currently weighs 60lbs and runs lead. She is a fantastic runner with a lot of heart. Her gait definatly is ugly, but she is fast. Tasha loves to go and is truly a team cheer leader when we are hooking up. She is very smart and picked up lead commands quickly running with Cadence for two years. Her harness makes her much more brave than she is when hooked to the truck or even in her box. She rather reminds me of a Dr. Seuss character the way she rolls and rubs against me now. She is very attached to Indy as well and feels as if she owns him, getting rahther agitated with the other females when they attempt to play with him. I am so glad that I happened upon this good girl; that now gets to do what she is really good at...run while she lives in a home that provides for her.